Coaching Sportif

Building muscle and getting fit is a big commitment, and it’s hard to do it alone. You need goals and motivation, which many of us sorely lack when there are so many other things to do.

Coaching sportif: personal development through sport

Personal development is defined as the effective means of bringing out the best in yourself. Life coaching helps you to take stock of yourself after a difficult period or a change in your life. Sports coaching, on the other hand, helps you achieve your sporting goals on a daily basis, through tailored training sessions. And to become the best you can be. Samy is a sports professional who will meet your needs.

Samy, a sports coach in Geneva to take care of your mind and body

A personal trainer in Geneva like Samy is your fitness partner, who will get you moving on those days when you don’t feel up to it.

Here’s how my personal trainer in the gym has made me a better person and played an important role in creating a healthier, fitter version of myself. But first, one of my favorite sports quotes.

« Don’t measure yourself by what you’ve accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your abilities » – (John Wooden, American basketball coach).

What’s your favourite sports quote? Let me know in the comments.

What makes a good sports coach?

sports coaching and personal development

The above quote is a big part of what makes a good coach. Personal trainers don’t measure success by their students’ achievements. On the contrary, they start from your current skills, which then become the baseline for defining your sporting objectives.

Samy, a tailor-made sports and personal development coach who listens to your physical abilities

We can’t all be superstars, but we can be our own champions in a single-level competition. If you were barely able to run a kilometer before asking a sports coach for help, but are now able to complete it in under nine minutes after a few months of physical training, you’ve made considerable progress… And what a boost to her self-esteem! Finally, a sports coach is also a personal development coach… or how to heal the mind through the body.

A personal trainer ‘s skills and experience will help him or her understand your fitness level to ensure that your personal fitness program always encourages you to improve, to give your best, but never to the point of injury or frustration and giving up the sport.

Sport as personal development: how does sport make you a better person?

Sport is proven to improve health and fitness. There are also qualities of teamwork, self-reflection and leadership involved in your personal development when you play sport. These qualities are highly relevant to the business world.

A 2014 Pennsylvania State University study asked four hundred corporate executives how sport influenced their lives. Of the 94% of participants who said they regularly took part in sport, 61% said it had a positive impact on their success.

People who take part in sport say their participation helps them develop their communication skills and teaches them responsibility. You’re part of a team, and the other members count on your presence. What’s more, playing sport is a social activity that strengthens community ties and lasting friendships…

Whether you’re aiming to lose weight or gain mass, sports coaching is good for your health. Discover the other benefits of working with a sports coach.

Other benefits of working with a sports and personal development coach near you

benefits of sports coaching and personal development

There’s no doubt that a fitness trainer can help you achieve your fitness goals to make you a better person, but it also helps build your character. Here are some of the character traits your personal trainer can bring out in you.

Sports coaching to boost your motivation

We all have days when we don’t feel like braving the cold to go to the gym, or when we don’t have enough hours in the stressful day to work out.

Knowing that your trainer will be waiting for you, you’ll be less inclined to miss a session. You’ll learn to draw on your strengths, present yourself and do the work required. Even if your only reason for going to the gym is to avoid disappointing your trainer, you’re building good habits.

Sports coaches give you a sense of responsibility

Empowerment coincides with motivation. If showing up regularly creates a habit, so does missing a session. One missed workout becomes two, and you’ll soon find your previously inactive lifestyle ruining all your efforts.

Personal trainers teach you to challenge yourself

Following the same training routine will quickly tire you out and demotivate you. A personal trainer will teach you how to train according to your abilities, while adding that little something extra that will enable you to constantly progress and improve.

Ceiling is another common obstacle that can be difficult to overcome when training alone. A fitness trainer will use his or her coaching skills to introduce new exercises and give your routine a new twist.

Use goals in your fitness journey to keep the same mindset in your life

Goal setting is an essential component of pursuing a lifelong fitness program, but it’s a challenge. A certified personal trainer at your health club is trained to help customers optimize their goal-setting. When you learn to set goals for one area of your life, you can transfer your new skills to create goals for all the other aspects of your life.

Discover nutrition and healthy eating habits

Exercise is just one aspect of your new healthy lifestyle, while making healthier food choices is another. It’s not always easy to know what to eat. Each person is unique and will need a personalized diet plan.

For example, some people are more active than others, such as office workers versus construction workers. Adjustments will therefore be necessary to ensure that you consume the right amount of calories.

Understanding your nutritional needs in relation to your goals is an essential skill for a personal trainer, as your diet will change in line with what you want to achieve.

For example, weight trainers will need carefully balanced meals to ensure they consume enough protein to build muscle, while a runner will need carbohydrates to fuel his runs.

Work with a personal trainer near you and boost your self-confidence.

Playing sport, getting fit and improving your health are excellent ways of boosting your self-confidence and self-esteem. As your stamina increases and your physique changes, your self-image improves.

Physical training and sport will enable you to acquire new skills and greater self-control, giving you a sense of pride, self-confidence and achievement. Your new-found self-confidence will spill over into all areas of your life, including at home and at work.

Sport improves your mental health

The vigorous exercise and social aspects of sports practiced in local fitness centers create excellent mental health potential. Active people tend to maintain good health and good mental health throughout their lives.

Exercise helps maintain muscle mass and bone density, which decline with age. Strong muscles and bones when you’re older will reduce your risk of heart disease and falls.

To find out more, contact Samy, your sports and personal development coach in the canton of Geneva.

samy sart corporate sports coach geneva

Are you ready to start making yourself a better person through physical training? Contact us directly to start your journey to better health. We also have an advanced fitness application, Featness (available on iOs and Playstore ) that we invite you to use to create and follow personalized workouts anywhere, whenever you have a few free minutes or the time to do a full routine.